Thursday, January 29, 2009

And now, I know.

It makes me feel warm and fuzzy to get comments like "*ahem* you have not posted anything since last weekend *ahem*" LOL

OK. So, here's what I've learned. I am much better at giving and receiving tattoos than I am at letting very large ones heal on my own body. And that's kind of embarrassing.

I've been so consumed with this thing, so wanting it to heal JUST RIGHT.... that I over moisturized it. Last night I found myself on the bathroom floor, kneeling down, head between my legs, unable to move, nearly passed out from lightheadedness and why? Because I was freaking out- obsessing over it thinking it was getting infected and that I was too stupid to know (forget about the fact that Mike checks it out daily, several times), and that it would either be ruined as a result or my arm would have to be amputated, and that I was a huge failure as a tattoo artist. Can we say 'get myself all worked up' much?

So, I make my way finally to the bedroom and lay down, barely able to inform Mike of my situation. All weak, shaking, terrified. Pathetic! LOL. Due to being all worked up, I lay awake until 1:15am when I finally take some nyquil. Antihistamines, advil-type stuff and sleep inducing goop all in one. Thank you, Nyquil. You are wonderful. I drift to sleep thinking if it's not improved in the morning that I'd either go straight to a Dr. or at the very least, the nursing department here at work (since the walk in clinic is literally right next door to the building I work in, if they said go see a Dr. I'd just walk there). So I get up, my arm is not as freakish. A big relief. While at work today I decide to google overmoisturize tattoo. Ya know, it's like noone talks about it. At least, I've never heard it mentioned before.

Too much goop (moisturizer, A&D, whatever) suffocates the tattoo and liquefies any repairing tissue that may have formed. THAT is what was freaking me out- gooey scabs! To top it off, these gooey scabs formed super hard big scabs while I slept all week. I saw no other signs of infection. I mean, there's some slightly red shading around 2 areas of the whole thing, but, that is completely normal from what I have experienced in all my other tattoos healing up. So I was pretty confused and full of panic. What I've realized is that I was not only using too much goop, but too many kinds. I started experimenting with something that a friend gave me that's from Greece that boasts wonderful healing properties for tattoos. OK stupid to do on a tattoo of this size. I was just in a fit wanting it to heal up gorgeous. After a few days of that, I switched to Curel as per Pat Fish. Been using that pretty much exclusively, except yesterday started using A&D again in some places.

So what to do now? Let it dry heal, with maaaybe some ointment once or max twice a day. Keep a super close eye on the scabs, making sure that none of them get ripped off prematurely (as that'd pull the ink right out leaving the tattoo blotchy).

SO. Fun stuff. I'm feeling pretty stupid BUT.... I certainly am learning a LOT. I've never had a tattoo anywhere even REMOTELY this big. So, it's new to me for certain. Mike had a big one recently done, a huge dragon on his thigh that I drew up. But, wearing pants all day, he didn't have much change to obsess over it, over moisturize it, and the friction of his pants probably helped the scabbing/healing to top it off.

Other than dealing (not so well, mostly) with my tattoo healing, this week has been full of resting, keeping my arm above my heart, typing with one hand, LOL... OH right that's all about the tatt. I've also been readying my room, setting up for tattooing. I am now officially OUT OF ROOM for all my stuff, even after getting rid of a bunch. We've got a garage packed with stuff waiting for people to pick up. I mean we're giving away GOOD furniture, come get it, peoplez! LOL!! I have my massage table all set up, my station ready to go, supplies stored neatly and cleanly away. I need to get a chair reupholstered, replace the futon or recover it at least, and find a place for my alter wares. OH and I need to get my hands on a light table. That reminds me, my bday is coming up. I think I'll email my Dad since he wants to know what I want. Perfect! :-)

I would be tattooing by now if it weren't for my screwing up my healing time with obsessing. LOL But, no worries. I've got an appt for next Thursday, and a consultation with another person being schedule for Mon or Tues. Plus, all sorts of inquiries. So, life is good. Esp on the big tattoo healing side (until the itching comes... oye! LOL)

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