Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Inauguration Day Tattooing Bliss!

Quarter till 5 my eyes just open and viola. I'm up. Oye. It's gonna be a LOOOONG. DAY. I have 2 clients coming in today that I tattooed last week. I'm stoked because the first one is John and OH I have a such a cute little crush on him HEH. (nice Jewish Irish boy from NYC/Jersey area with that cute little accent). #2 is dude who I did the black and grey vampire type chick on. He's got a huge (from the way he described it) back piece he wants done. THEN, after that, the Pain Begins- my arm sleeve gets started. I'm gonna sleep like the dead tonight

SO, yesterday I did 2 tatts. What was cool was I was able to guess how long they'd take. Well, both I figured 2 hours. The first one, the lizard, took 1 hour 45 min. The 2nd one, butterfly wings on both feet, took just over 2 hours. It's nice to be able to figure how long something will take me. Before I just had no freaking clue. I suppose it's true with everything in life you do, once you do it enough you can figure how long it should take.

I loved both tatts yesterday. From the choice, the colors we picked out and the locations.

The first one was the lizard:

The tail goes over his shoulder and down something like 3 or 4 inches. I am perfectly happy with this tattoo- it might be my favorite one yet, besides that HD I did on Gary's left wrist. I tell ya, I don't know what it is about that one. I just love it. Anywayz, Lizard guy was a total sweetheart. Hot damn I love tattooing. It's the perfect blend of art and people.

The 2nd one was also very cool. I'm typically not a fan of tattoos on feet. Not sure why...? I'm starting to change my mind on that I think. Chica was totally cool, and had a great sense of humor and was cracking me up the whole time. While I was really really happy with how it came out, later when I saw it online there's a major flaw I noticed. Nothing crazy, it's just they do not match up perfectly with the black shading... see how the right foot (our left as we look at it) is lacking some of the thick black on the inner bottom wing and even is a bit thinner up top? Noone noticed this. 7 people looked at it when it was done and not one of us saw it. I must improve on this. But, otherwise it's groovy. And that's a simple touch up, say, if she were to come back to me (or to the school) it'd take 15 min start to finish (what with setting up for it and all).

Again, it's a bummer that pics are taken right smack after the tatts are done... since this butterfly will have gorgeous brilliant colors once it starts to heal. For now it's all blended with blood and plasma. But, of course, this is just a part of it all. You can't have people come back in a few days just to get a better picture

At the end of the day, Matt took the phoenix pic I like for my arm sleeve and hand drew it on my arm.

I am totally stoked for this, and was reaaaally bummed he could not start it last night as planned. I thought a phoenix tattoo the day Bush leaves office and Obama and family take control would just be PERFECT. That on top of all the other reasons I want this was just too awesome. But Matt had an unexpected family thing, so it's all good. Family First. Amen, my peeps. Amen.

OH, here's the pic I gave him for the phoenix I like:

Last night I ordered business cards. Shannan and Alyssa, don't be pissed! HEH. I really wanted some RIGHT AWAY and I will take Alyssa up on her offer to make them for me once I have a tattoo that really WOWS me enough to put on a business card. I'm going to hand them out like government cheese, hah, so I'm sure they'll go fast enough. :) For now, it has the Modigliani Seated Nude that I did in oil pastels (my favorite painting EVER). On the back it has appt time info and such.

And oh, some of you might notice that I'm using my maiden name.... I had always seriously thought that should I ever make a living off of my art (be it writing or some form of studio art), that I'd use my maiden name. Because that is where I come from, it is my heritage and my family and who I am at the core. As I was filling out the information to create these cards, I found that I could not decide! SO in the end, I decided that Slitzer is not only far easier to say, it's easier to remember how to spell so that people can Google me. Know what I mean? I am explaining myself because I don't want anyone out there to ever think it's some sort of slight on Mike (is that the right word? Slight? Ya know, like slap on the face sort of thing). It's TOTALLY not. It's something I've always thought I'd do way before I even met Mike and in the end it makes sense due to pronunciation and spelling. I love my babydoll with ALL of my heart. But you all should know this by now, heh. :)

Let's Party!

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